Below are the upcoming trips, please note the dates on each description.

Trip Sign-up Policy: The purpose of the Peoria Ski Club trip sign-up policy is to assure everyone has a fair chance to participate in our club trips. Special accommodations are made only for board members and trip leaders since they are busy with other important duties during the trip sign-up session. The following policy has been approved by the board and is now in effect.
PARTICIPATION: Most trips are restricted to members in good standing only. A member must be current with his or her dues to sign up for these trips. Non-members may sign up on the waiting list and will be transferred to the active list after their dues are paid and a deposit is received. Some trips may be designated as club familiarization trips and non-members may participate. Guests are welcome on these trips; however, priority for space will be given to members. Should a situation arise where a non-member might get bumped, he will first be given the opportunity to become a member and, by doing so, would retain his/her space.
PRIORITY: Priority is used to determine who gets a reservation when a trip is overfull and who gets the first choice when trip options exist (e.g., better rooms). First priority is assigned according to the order deposits are received from those present at the sign-up meeting. Should individuals not be able to attend, they may designate a representative to act on their behalf. Second priority is assigned according to the date all other deposits are postmarked or presented to the trip leader. Those members delinquent with subsequent payments may lose their priority position and may be dropped from the trip in extreme cases.
SIGN-UP PROCEDURE: Trip sign-ups will begin immediately after the adjournment of the business portion of the August general membership meeting. Deposits should be made individually for each trip, checks made payable to the Peoria Ski Club, and given to the appropriate trip leader. Lump payments for multiple trips will not be accepted. Each person in line may sign up for two people or all the individuals covered by a family membership. If someone wishes to sign up more than their limit, they must return to the end of the line to sign up additional people. Early sign-ups will be accepted by board members and trip leaders who may sign up only for themselves and their roommates.
Trip Refund Policy: The Peoria Ski Club refund policy protects members if a trip is canceled due to bad weather or insufficient interest. It also protects the club from excessive losses should an individual decide to cancel at the last minute. This policy is spelled out in detail in the club constitution, and a summary is presented below.
You will receive a full refund if:
* The club canceled the trip.
* You cancel from the reservation list before the cutoff date.
* You cancel from the waiting list or are on the waiting list when the trip departs.
You will receive a refund of Recoverable costs if:
* An agent for the club canceled the trip.
* You cancel from the reservation list after the cutoff date
* You do not show up for the trip.
Non-recoverable expenses may include cancellation fees, name change fees, accommodation rearrangement fees, club administration fees, trip leader fees, and any other expenses incurred due to a cancellation or substitution.
In the event of special circumstances, the situation will be reviewed by the Executive Board, whose decision is final.